Our Products
One of our main activities is apiculture.
In our 800 sqm organic vegetable garden we grow seasonal products with no use of chemical fertilisers or pesticides, mainly for in-house cooking. Besides these tasty delicacies, at Fontallorso you’ll be able to enjoy the luscious nectar offered by our bees.

The prevalence of acacia nectar gives our honey a distinctively delicate, caramelised taste, while the presence of chestnut enriches its character with a hint of bitterness, which strength can vary depending on the concentration. We also use our bees’ honey in our homemade bakery, for a delicate and unique taste that you’ll be able to enjoy every morning for breakfast.
We are now planning to start collecting the precious propolis, to offer our friends the chance to purchase this product with its countless healing properties. Propolis offers numerous therapeutic applications, it can be in fact used as an antifungal, bactericide, antiviral and clotting agent… and more!
About 200 hives are nurtured and cuddled, and the honey produced is mainly composed of chestnut and acacia flowers, although our bees are also keen on the rosemary flowers blooming abundantly around Fontallorso!
1kg, 500g and 250g jars are available for our guests to enjoy directly with Fontallorso’s breakfasts, or to bring home as table honey and as a natural sweetener for your herbal teas!